Accounts Receivable
This page contains the SMART training materials associated with the Accounts Receivable (AR) module in SMART. The SMART AR training materials are organized into the following sections:
- Billing: The training material in this section provides the SMART training materials for AR Billing.
- Customers: The training material in this section provides SMART training materials for AR Customers.
- Accounts Receivable - Deposits: These documents contain the SMART training materials for AR Deposits.
- Accounts Receivable - Receivables: These documents contain the SMART training materials for AR Receivables.
- Accounts Receivable - General Info: This section contains general information pertaining to Accounts Receivable in SMART.
- Accounts Receivable - Reports: This section contains the training materials pertaining to AR Reports in SMART, and provides: report number, title of report, overview of the report, and navigation in SMART to use the report.
Discusses the common issues and resolutions to Billing Worksheet errors.
The Worksheet Cross Reference is available for billings processed through the Project Costing/Grants/Customer Contracts/Billing modules where transactions create a temporary billing invoice on the Billing Worksheet.
Writing-off billing worksheets lines will prevent those transactions from generating an invoice in the Billing module and then passing into Accounts Receivable to create a pending item. It also reverses out the revenue that was recognized from the Customer Contracts module when the transaction was incurred and sent to Billing.
This training document contains an overview of customers in SMART and shows you how to create, update, and maintain customers in SMART.
AR - Deposits
This job aid provides instructions to assist SMART users in using the AR Collections Workbench.
This comprehensive training guide contains the following information: Customer deposits overview, entering payments, applying payments, and reviewing payments.
This comprehensive training guide contains the following information: Deposits for non-AR payments, entering payments, and reviewing payments.
This training document shows you how to create a non-AR journal deposit in SMART. It covers the four basic steps: entering control totals, entering payment information, creating and completing the accounting entries, and approving the deposit.
This training document instructs users how to locate credit card/e-check EFT deposits, including credit card fee charge, and shows how to complete deposit adjustments for both.
This job aid shows you how to create deposit adjustments in SMART to correct or change ChartFields on previously deposited money. Deposit adjustments do not modify the original deposit amount; they simply update the ChartFields associated in the General Ledger (GL).
This job aid provides instructions to enter a direct journal deposit (no pending item).
This job aid provides instructions to enter an AR deposit with a pending item.
This job aid contains the step-by-step instructions and information for the INF43 - Excel Deposit Upload (upload of deposit information into SMART using an Excel spreadsheet). This training document also provides examples of upload information.
This job aid shows you the possible INF43 (Deposit Spreadsheet Upload) and the possible INF44 (Deposit Interface) errors that may occur, and also shows you how to correct these errors.
This job aid will assist agencies in updating a deposit after accounting entries have been marked complete and the deposit is approved by the agency, but not by the State Treasurer's Office.
This job aid will assist agencies in updating a deposit after accounting entries have been marked complete and before the deposit has agency or State Treasurer's Office approvals.
AR - Receivables
This comprehensive training guide contains the following information: introduction to receivables, entering and reviewing receivables, maintaining and updating receivables, transferring receivables, account aging and communication, and collections and exception management.
This job aid provides the steps to manually enter a pending item online.
This job aid provides the steps to create a maintenance worksheet to write-off a pending item.
The PeopleSoft Fluid Receivables WorkCenter is a central navigational component designed for the end user to access frequently used pages. The Fluid version improves functionality from a mobile device.
AR - General Info
This AR Month End Checklist should be used by agency staff as they are preparing their AR financial transactions in SMART for month end close. This document explains the tasks associated with month end close activities to ensure that your agency's financial transactions are ready for the month end close in SMART.
This business process flow diagram shows you how Accounts Receivable information flows through SMART.
This job aid will assist agencies in searching for interfunds that need reciprocating or completion.
AR - Reports
This training document contains information pertaining to Accounts Receivable reports in SMART, and provides; report number, title of report, overview of the report, and navigation in SMART to use the report.
Using the new 'System Date' parameter enables users to set a recurrence for processes and have them run for the current date without any user intervention.
This job aid provides instructions to assist SMART users in printing a statement.
Advanced billing Approved deposit BI Billing Billing manager Billing manager dashboard Billing worksheet collections workbench Credit card Cross reference Customer deposits Customers Deposit Deposit adjustments Deposit Interface Deposit Spreadsheet Upload Deposit Upload Deposits Direct Journal Deposit E-check INF43 INF44 Interface Interfunds Manager dashboard