Kansas Department of Administration


Job Aids are documents that contain step-by-step instructions and/or information regarding specific tasks in SMART. They are primarily used as troubleshooting and issue resolution devices.

Training Guides provide a comprehensive overview to the specific modules within SMART. Agency trainers use the Training Guide documents to facilitate on-the-job-training for new users in SMART.

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Interfunds Job Aids

This job aid will assist agencies in creating a journal voucher for an interfund voucher.

This job aid will assist agencies in deleting interfund vouchers.

This job aid will assist agencies in deleting interfund deposits.

This job aid will assist agencies in searching for interfunds that need reciprocating or completion. The initiating side of an interfund is the first of two transactions that make up an interfund. The reciprocating side is the responding side of the two transactions.

This document explains interfund processing changes in SMART.

This job aid provides instructions for using the Match Workbench to run matching for interfund vouchers.

This job aid will assist in updating customer and interfund contacts. User roles that can update contacts are: Agency Customer Creator, Agency AR Admin, Central AR Configurator, Agency Billing Admin, and Central Billing Configurator.

This job aid provides instructions to update the email address and telephone number on the Interfund Details Personal Pop-up Window associated to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Interfund Approvers.

This job aid will assist agencies in updating an interfund deposit before the AP voucher side of the interfund has been 'Approved'. Once the AP side is approved, no changes can be made to either side of the interfund.

Interfunds Training Guide

This training guide covers understanding interfund processing, using the interfund pages, the different types of interfund transactions and the approval and update process.

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