Kansas Department of Administration


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Grants - Job Aids

This job aid demonstrates how to create a grant.

DOCX, 636.38 KB

This job aid assists with running the Generate Award process.

DOCX, 282.65 KB

This job aid explains how to modify funding for an existing project that has been generated from a grant.

DOCX, 941.18 KB

DOCX, 644.72 KB

DOCX, 393.11 KB

Grants - Training Guide

This training guide will assist users with creating, managing and closing grants. It also shows the integration between Grants and other SMART modules.

DOCX, 2.34 MB

Using Grants to manage State matching/cost share commitments

Attaching a Grant to a Customer Contract will prompt SMART to automatically recognize reimbursable project costs vs. cost shared costs based on the fund used on the expenditure transaction. Agencies can identify specific funds that are used to charge non-reimbursable project costs in the Grants module set-up pages. This will prevent Customer Contracts user agencies from having to manually identify and write-off non-reimbursable costs on the billing worksheet.

An example of how SMART identifies cost shared transactions using the Grants module follows:

Step 1:  The agency identifies which fund codes should be considered cost share when used on project-related transactions. This is set at a system-wide level, so the same funds must be considered cost sharing funds across all agency projects.


      Note: The default is to set funds 1000 – 2999 as cost sharing funds. Each agency may identify
      additional funds, to be set up by the SMART Grants analyst (open a Kansas Service Desk request
      to identify funds as cost sharing funds for Grants).

Screenshot of the Facilities Admin Options page showing the Cost Sharing section containing the ChartField values such as Fund '1000'.



Step 2:  The agency then has a few options for establishing the relationship between Grants, Project Costing, and Customer Contracts.

If the project is NEW:

A.  Does the agency want to track pre-award information in Grants?


  1. YES = Create a proposal in the Grants module.  Please refer to the “How to Create a Grant” job aid on the SMART website.

    Generating an Award from Grants will automatically create the link between the Grant and the Customer Contract that is required to track cost shared expenditures.

  2. NO = Create the project in Project Costing and the contract in Customer Contracts first. Then, create an award profile in Grants from the Customer Contract.

    Even if the contract is already active, an Award Profile in Grants can be created from the contract General tab and the cost share tracking will begin from the grant creation point forward:

Screenshot of the General Tab showing the 'Create Award Profile' button.

If the project ALREADY EXISTS:

A.  If the project already exists, the agency can still create an Award Profile to track post-award information:

  1. Use Step 2 (from Page 1 of this web document) to create the Award Profile from the Customer contract.

    Once the "Create Award Profile" button is clicked, it becomes a 'View Award Profile' link to the Grants module:

Screenshot showing the 'View Award Profile' Link


Click the 'View Award Profile' link to enter the basic Award Profile information into Grants, and then Save:

On the Award tab, enter the following information:

  • Reference Award Number = tracking number from the external funding source
  • Title = project/grant description
  • Award PI = agency staff member responsible for project management
  • Start Date
  • End Date

 Screenshot of the Award tab:

Screenshot of the Award Tab


On the Department Credit tab, enter the following information, and then Save:

  • Department = a list of the agency departments involved with the project
  • Credit % = must add up to 100% (Note:  This is not used by the State of Kansas, but it is required by SMART)

Screenshot of the Department Credit tab:

Screenshot of the Department Credit Tab.


Step 3:  Next, a Purchase Order is generated from a requisition in SMART that uses Fund '1000' and the appropriate Project Costing ChartFields:

Screenshot of the Distributions for Schedule Page on the Purchase Order


Step 4:  Once the Purchase Order is approvedbudget checked, and dispatched, nightly batch processes will create a record of the transaction in the Project Costing Transaction List (Project Costing > Transaction Definitions > Transaction List).


A reimbursable purchase order using a federal fund would appear as a row in Project Costing using the analysis type of 'COM' (Committed Cost).

In the screenshot shown below, however, since this agency has attached a Grant to the Customer Contract to manage the reimbursable vs. non-reimbursable costs from their project, SMART recognizes that Fund '1000' transactions are NOT reimbursable, and therefore the purchase order appears in Project Costing as a row using the analysis type of 'CCO' (Cost Sharing Commitment):

Screenshot of the Project Costing Transaction List showing a 'CCO' row.

Step 5:  When the Purchase Order becomes a Voucher, a CAC (Cost Share Actual Cost) row is created in Project Costing with no billable row (shown in the screenshot below).

By using Grants to identify non-reimbursable transactions, agencies do not have to go into the billing worksheet and write-off the State-funded lines because they will NOT ever be sent to the billing worksheet.

Only reimbursable project transactions using funds NOT identified as cost sharing funds will appear on the billing worksheet.

Screenshot of the Project Costing Transaction list showing a 'CAC' row.

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