General Ledger
This page contains the SMART training materials associated with the General Ledger module in SMART. The SMART General Ledger training materials are organized into the following sections:
- An overview of the training materials within the section, located beneath the section header.
- The training materials for the section displayed in a list format, located beneath the section overview.
- Each section of training materials contains training material items such as training guides and job aids.
- Each training material item is presented with a brief summary that describes the contents of the training material.
- To view the contents of a training document, simply click the title of the training document.
- Some training documents may appear in more than one section (if they pertain to multiple sections).
Creating New GL Journals
This job aid contains information about submitting a Budget Date Change Request.
General Ledger (GL) encumbrance journals (non-supplier specific encumbrances) obligate budget at fiscal year-end. This job aid provides the steps in the GL encumbrance process.
This training guide provides a general ledger and journal entry overview: key terms, State of Kansas ledgers, key concepts in the journal process, end-to-end journal process and general ledger workflow.
This training guide contains: Journal Entry Overview, Creating a Journal Entry in SMART, Importing Spreadsheet Journals in SMART, Processing Journals, and Reviewing Journals in SMART.
This training guide covers; spreadsheet journals overview, spreadsheet journal file requirements, creating a spreadsheet journal, and uploading a spreadsheet journal.
Working with Existing GL Journals
Agency month-end processing is important in the SMART General Ledger as it allows SMART reports to display the correct monetary amounts. Also, month-end processing will ensure that the appropriation and cash budgets are impacted correctly.
This job aid explains how to find a cash balance in SMART.
This job aid is a cheat sheet to the Journal Processing Errors in SMART. The cheat sheet contains the error message, description, able to be overriden (Y/N), and applicable budget structures.
This training guide provides instructions on the journal edit process and reviewing budget check errors.
This job aid shows you how to view Budget Check Exceptions for Purchase Orders, for Vouchers, and for Journals.
This training guide covers; reviewing journal status, the ledger inquiry page, and journal inquiry.
This job aid has been removed. Information on liquidating GL encumbrance balances can be found in the General Ledger Encumbrance Journals job aid.
This Job Aid pertains to information on how to Update WorkCenter Filters
This job aid shows you how to enter ChartField Combination Edits to filter out unwanted journal entry lines using combinations of ChartFields and their values in SMART.
Shows you how to maintain the Agency Controlled ChartField Values of Agency Use and Service Location.
This training guide provides information on the Request Chartfield business process to add or update ChartFields is done in SMART. All ChartFields maintained by the Department of Administration (D of A) use this process.
This Job Aid describes how to use the new FLUID approval functionality for General Ledger.
GL Queries
This query is designed to list GL journals for a specific chartfield value; by department, by fund, by fund and budget unit, by program, and by source and department. This job aid shows you how to use each of the queries.
This query provides all General Ledger activity including journals, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payments, and Travel & Expenses. The query results include: Journal ID, FY, Invoice Number, PO Number, Payment ID, Vendor Number/Employee ID, Name, Budget Date, Bus Unit, Dept, Fund, Bud Unit, Program, Account, Description, Sum Amount, Project, Activity, AN Type, Source Type, Category, Subcategory, and Agency Use.
This query is designed to provide journal information by Income Statement Accounts (Expenses and Revenues). This query is recommended for agencies to view and balance to transactions processed and cleared through the General Ledger. In the Query Name: DT = Journal Date, and PD = Accounting Period.
The FIN Queries allow SMART end users to run queries containing lists of their agency’s data such as ChartField values. The information provided in these queries is stored ‘behind the scenes’ in SMART in a series of data tables called “Control Tables”. These Control Tables store data such as Chartfield values or agency data by either the ‘Effective Date’ and/or by the ‘As of Date’. The SMART Control tables contain lists of Chartfield values and Agency data that are shared across a Business Unit (Agency).
GL Reports
This report is designed to display all journal entries that were entered in SMART for a business unit and ledger within the date range and journal status specified.
This report is designed to give a beginning and ending ACTUALS ledger cash balances. The results will include totals for the accounting period or range of accounting periods and fiscal year chosen. The details in the report include, Sources of Funds (Receipts), Uses of Funds (Expenses), and Transfers summarized by Account Code tree level 4 or 5. This report reflects activity posted to the General Ledger. This is a key monthly balancing tool.
This report is designed to give a beginning and ending cash balance. This report reflects activity posted to the General Ledger. This is a key monthly balancing tool.
This report is designed to provide a count of transactions and transaction accounting lines for various modules in SMART by agency.
This report is designed to give a summary of monthly and year to date expenditures by Fund, Budget Unit, Program, and Account code that have posted to the General Ledger. This is a key monthly balancing tool.
GL Journal Examples
This is an example where an agency needs to charge a different grant for allowable cost by moving Payroll expenses. The transfer needs to be equally distributed across the salary and benefits amounts, so this example will demonstrate how to use Excel formulas to calculate those amounts.
This is an example where an agency needs to charge out indirect cost.
This is an example where an agency needs to do a journal to have the expense report charged to a prior fiscal year when a GL Encumbrance was done or there is an issue with the Travel Authorization. There should be two lines entered for each distribution line of the expense report that needs charged to the prior year.
This is an example where an agency needs to change or transfer revenue among Budget Units and/or Funds.
This is an example where an agency needs to change the funding for a payroll journal.