Kansas Department of Administration


This page contains the SMART training materials associated with the
SMART Expenses module. The SMART Expenses training materials are
organized into the following sections: Job Aids and Queries.

Expenses Job Aids


This job aid discusses approval workflow and approval history, levels of approval and approvers, and alternate users for approvers.  It also discusses how to approve, how to modify approved transactions on, and how to reassign an expense report, travel authorization, or cash advance.  It also discusses how to assign and maintain approvers.

This job aid discusses what document are required to be attached in SMART and system requirements for SMART.  It also discusses how to add, view, and delete attachments.

This example will assist you when entering expense reports with expense dates of January 1, 2016 or later.

This replaces the following job aids: Adding a Bank Account to an Employee Travel and Expense Profile, Adding an Expense Payee, Adding a Non-Employee for Travel and Expenses 11-29-12, Default ChartField Values, and Setting Up Proxies.

This job aid discusses Expense Types and Payment Types used on travel authorizations and expense reports including how the Expense Type and Payment Type selected affects the expense report accounting entries.  It also discusses how to correct the balance in Account 140300 that results from an Expense Type-Payment Type mismatch and when the related expense is recorded in SMART.

This training guide gives instructions on how to find an expense report number or an employee ID in SMART.

This job aid discusses creating a journal expense report.

This job aid provides agencies with a way to look up historical payment information. Agencies will be able to view data for payments including the payment method, payment date, payment reconcile status, and supplier/employee address associated with the payment.

This job aid discusses status values on travel authorizations and expense reports, navigation to travel authorizations and expense reports based on their status, and when the status shows.  It also discusses processing travel authorizations and expense reports based on their status and encumbrances based on the travel authorization status.

This replaces the following job aids: Canceling Travel Authorizations, Creating Travel Authorizations.

An Expense Report can be withdrawn once it has been submitted into workflow and has a “Submitted” or “Submitted for Approval” status.

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