Kansas Department of Administration

Update on P-Card Issue

April 3, 2023

Please see the following update from Secretary of Administration Adam Proffitt:

I wanted to provide an update on this issue.  While the amount of adverse activity slowed over the weekend, now that state employees are actively traveling and using their cards again, we are continuing to experience card declines and other issues.  The problems appear to be related to both their new processor, as well as their fraud detection software having to “re-learn” our spending patterns.  I am continuing to press the UMB team to bring this issue to resolution as quickly as humanly possible.  I ask that you please continue to have your staffs email todd.herman@ks.gov directly with any issues – we are trying to have a single point of contact to the UMB team so that we can stay on top of their staff with all issues.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.  Please know that we recognize the severity of the matter, and we are pushing our vendor to do the same.  Please call/text/email with any questions or concerns.

Adam C. Proffitt

Secretary | Department of Administration

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