Negative Cash Federal Fund Balance at Fiscal Year End Guidance:
Policy Manual 8,004 Federal Funds – Fiscal Year-End Negative Cash Balances
Informational Circular 18-A-009 Federal Funds – Fiscal Year-End Negative Cash Balances
SMART Accounts Receivable job aids - these job aids can be used at other times throughout the year, but at fiscal year-end, the comments below are applicable
- Receivables: Online Pending Item (Receivable) Entry – used to create a pending item (receivable) for amounts expended and not yet received, and the deposit is not expected to be received before June 30
- Receivables: Writing Off a Receivable (Pending Item) – used after July 1 to write off a receivable that is no longer valid or the deposit was entered without the pending item (receivable)
- Deposits: Entering an AR (Pending Item) Deposit – used after July 1 to enter the deposit with a pending item (receivable) at the time the funds are actually received
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