The payment method (Check or ACH) on a voucher entered into SMART using the INF02 - Inbound Voucher Interface File is determined by 2 fields: PYMNT_METHOD and VNDR_LOC.
Using the value in the PYMNT_METHOD field to specify ‘Check’ or ‘ACH’ can cause unintended results. It is recommended to leave the PYMNT_METHOD on the INF02 blank and use the VNDR_LOC to specify ‘System Check’ or ‘ACH’.
Agencies should review the supplier record in SMART to determine which payment location is needed. As part of the Department of Administration’s effort to increase participation in ACH, the SMART Team is working with suppliers to ensure an ACH location is available. As ACH locations are added to the supplier record, that location is designated as the default payment location. If vouchers on the INF02 should be paid using the default payment location, then leave both PYMNT_METHOD and VNDR_LOC blank.