Day |
Date |
Task |
Monday |
June 19 |
JGEN, Budget check and Post SHARP payroll journals for the Friday, June 23, 2023 on-cycle pay date (last fiscal year 2023 on-cycle). |
Monday |
June 19 |
PCard Voucher build process runs. |
Tuesday |
June 20 |
JGEN, Budget check and Post Regent payroll journals for the Friday, June 23, 2023 on-cycle pay date (last fiscal year 2023 on-cycle). |
Tuesday |
June 20 |
JGEN, Budget check and Post SHARP and Regent’s payroll journals for the Friday, June 23, 2023 off-cycle ‘A’ pay date. |
Wednesday |
June 21 |
Last FY 2023 P-Card transaction file from bank received will be loaded during nightly batch |
Wednesday |
June 21 |
5:00 PM – FY 2023 GL Encumbrance Request Forms for all non-SGF and SGF encumbrances equal to or less than $5,000 must be sent to the Central Responsibilities Team. The form shall be attached to a Kansas Service Desk ticket. |
Thursday |
June 22 |
PCard Voucher build process runs. |
Thursday |
June 22 |
JGEN, Budget check and Post SHARP and Regent payroll journals for the Monday, June 26, 2023 off-cycle ‘B’ pay date. |
Thursday |
June 22 |
Agencies reconcile PCard transactions |
Friday |
June 23 |
PCard Voucher build process runs. This is an additional run for PCard voucher build. |
Friday |
June 23 |
Agencies reconcile PCard transactions |
Friday |
June 23 |
Payroll On-cycle and off-cycle 'A' pay date. |
Saturday |
June 24 |
6:00 AM – 6:00 PM – SMART open to all users. |
Sunday |
June 24 |
1:00 PM – SMART open to all users. |
Monday |
June 26 |
The final PCard voucher build process for FY 2023 will run this morning. This will be the last voucher build process to include FY 2023 funds for PCard transactions that do not have a PO encumbrance tied to it. |
Monday |
June 26 |
Agencies reconcile PCard transactions |
Monday |
June 26 |
Last day to load FY 2023 Interface files (excluding AR files). Cutoff for interface files is 6pm. |
Monday |
June 26 |
6:00 PM – Final INF02 Inbound Voucher for FY 2023 business submitted by 6:00 PM. |
Monday |
June 26 |
6:00 PM – Final INF06 Inbound GL Journal for FY 2023 business submitted by 6:00 PM. |
Monday |
June 26 |
Payroll Off-cycle 'B' pay date. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
LAST DAY for Agency Processing in SMART. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
Daytime batch processes will run. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
Kansas Service Desk and SMART Team will be available. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
Pay cycle and nightly batch processes will run. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
1:00 PM – Final INF50 voucher spreadsheet uploads must be submitted by 1:00 PM. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
3:00 PM – Final GL Journal spreadsheet must be uploaded by 3:00 PM. These journals must be edited, budget checked and agency approved by 7:00 PM |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
4:00 PM – Last hourly batch will run. Any transaction needing budget checked after 4:00 PM must have the budget check process run manually. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – FY 2023 Requisitions must have sourced to a PO. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – FY 2023 Purchase Orders must be approved, budget checked, and dispatched. This deadline applies to non-SGF POs and SGF POs that are less than $5,000. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – Travel Authorizations must be entered, fully approved and in valid budget status. This deadline applies to non-SGF TAs and SGF TAs that are less than $5,000. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – EX transactions must be created, fully approved and in valid budget status. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – BI transactions must be approved and invoiced or written off. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – AR entries for negative federal fund cash balances must be complete. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – AR online transactions must be entered, and agency approved. All deposits received through June 27, 2023 that require deposit adjustments, such as those deposits into clearing funds for credit card receipts, must have deposit adjustments entered and approved today. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – AP transactions must be entered, matched, budget checked and approved. The last hourly batch will run at 4:00 PM. Any AP transaction still in process after 4:00 PM must be manually budget checked, matched, submitted for approval, and then approved to be postable or posted by 7:00 PM. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM –Interfund transactions - both AR/AP must be edited (error-free), matched and agency approved. Budget checking and post are done during nightly batch. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – GL Journals must be edited, budget checked, agency approved and submitted into workflow for central approval. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
7:00 PM – AM transactions must be entered. All capital assets (including CIP) must be entered. Any adjustments, transfers, and retirements must be complete. All outstanding Interface ID's must be loaded. |
Tuesday |
June 27 |
Nightly Batch will run at 7:00 PM. |
Wednesday |
June 28 |
SMART Closed to Agencies. |
Wednesday |
June 28 |
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM – Agencies shall have accounting staff available for questions. |