Kansas Department of Administration

Final Reimbursement from CRF for FY20 and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (DA-89)

August 18, 2020

We are providing the following information related to the final reimbursement of FY20 spending from coronavirus relief funds (CRF) and their impact on the FY2020 DA-89, Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) form submission:



Date:                     July 24, 2020

To:                         Agency Fiscal Staff

From:                    Jocelyn Gunter, Director of Accounts and Reports, Department of Administration

Subject:                Final Reimbursement from CRF for FY20 and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (DA-89) 

  • The Department of Administration (“DofA”) is requesting, on behalf of the agencies, reimbursement for any COVID-19 coded expenses between 3/1/20 and 6/30/20 that were not included in the first round of reimbursement disbursements from CRF and were not charged to other federal funds.  For this round of reimbursements, this will also include COVID-19 coded personnel costs not charged to federal funds between 3/1/20 and 6/30/20. 
  • In the most recent FAQS from the U.S. Treasury, the cost of an employee allocated to administrative leave to a greater extent than was expected, as a result of COVID-19, was clarified to be an acceptable use of coronavirus relief funds (CRF). DofA is requesting, on behalf of the agencies, reimbursement for administrative leave expenses not charged to Federal funds and recorded for the pay periods ending 4/4/20 through 6/13/20, in excess of the FY19 spend administrative leave for the same period. 
  • Reimbursements are not guaranteed.  For those reimbursements approved by the SPARK Taskforce and the State Finance Council, agencies will be asked to confirm that all expenses approved for reimbursement meet the CRF eligibility requirements.  This includes 1) confirmation that agencies did not book journal entries to manually move any administrative leave costs to the COVID-19 program code in SMART, and 2) confirmation that all administrative leave costs not charged to Federal funds and recorded for the pay periods ending 4/4/20 through 6/13/20 are related to COVID-19. Agencies will be provided with instructions for returning funds for any expenses deemed ineligible upon final review.
  • Agencies have one final opportunity to request reimbursement for FY2020 transactions that did not get properly coded as COVID-19 related in SMART and as a result will not be a part of the expenses submitted for reimbursement through the process noted above.  Agencies will need to make these special requests directly following these instructions:
    • Identify all eligible Fiscal Year 2020 transactions that were not coded to the COVID-19 program code, 21662, and were not paid with other Federal funds.   (Please note that transactions coded to the off-budget COVID-19 program code, 97662, are not eligible for reimbursement.)  Once your agency has identified the transaction IDs, OAR has created queries that may be used to arrange the data in the required format.  
    • KS_COVID_RPT_AP, uses Voucher ID as a prompt to gather data from the Accounts Payable module.
    • KS_COVID_RPT_EX, uses Expense Report ID as a prompt to gather data from the Expenses module.
    • KS_COVID_RPT_AR, uses Deposit ID as a prompt to gather data from the Accounts Receivable module.
  • If you need assistance, generating this request please submit a request through a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket.  Please use this phrase in the subject for the ticket, “COVID Expenses”.
  • The deadline for submitting these transactions to be considered for reimbursement is July 30 at 5 pm, and must be sent to the SMART Team through a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket.  Please use this phrase in the subject for the ticket, “COVID Expenses”.
  • Any COVID expenditures that were funded from the State General Fund and that are approved for CRF reimbursement will be proposed to be lapsed during the upcoming 2021 Legislative Session in the Governor’s revised budget.  During the Division of the Budget review of your agency’s revised FY 2021 budget request, a recommendation will include the lapse of any of the State General Fund moneys that are reimbursed.  You should not consider this reimbursement as additional spending authority in FY 2021.  If a subsequent allotment by the Governor occurs in FY 2021 prior to the 2021 Legislature’s return, these funds would be lapsed at that time.  The goal of this lapse exercise is to reduce the magnitude of future budget cuts if the state’s fiscal situation does not improve.

Please note if you have already submitted a certification form and/or DA-89, a revised form will need to be submitted to reflect all final disbursements from the CRF in relation to COVID-19 (if applicable).  Please identify the DA-89 as “REVISED” in the subject line of your email to us.

If you do not have a copy of the DA-89 or the DA-89 instructions, please use the link to our website: https://admin.ks.gov/offices/oar/schedule-of-expenditures-of-federal-awards---sefa

While your DA-89 should be correct and complete with all other federal expenditures and transfers, we understand the CRF portion of the DA-89 will be dependent on the final decisions and communications as noted above.  If the timeline to finalize those CRF funds within your DA-89 form appears to be too short, we will notify you of any deadline extensions at the time the final CRF disbursements and related review deadlines are communicated. 

If there are additional questions or concerns, you may submit a ManageEngine Service Desk Ticket, or you may contact the following individuals:

          Sunni Zentner                    Manager, Statewide Accounting                 Sunni.Zentner@ks.gov
          Nancy Haufler                    Team Lead, SMART Processing                   Nancy.Haufler@ks.gov
          Nancy Ruoff                        Manager, Statewide Payroll                         Nancy.Ruoff@ks.gov
          Jill Martin                             Team Lead, Federal Reporting                     Jill.Martin@ks.gov

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