Kansas Department of Administration

Amazon Web Services (AWS) SMART Processing Impacts

July 18, 2023

As previously announced, SMART will be unavailable between 7 p.m. Thursday July 27th and 6 a.m. Tuesday August 1st as the system is transitioned to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Below are more specific details regarding the impacts to SMART processing during that time:


SUN 7/23

MON 7/24

TUE 7/25

WED 7/26

THU 7/27

FRI 7/28

SAT 7/29


Daytime batch runs normally

7pm users are locked out of SMART

Nightly batch runs normally

SMART unavailable to users

No daytime batch

No paycycles

No supplier entry/updates

No spreadsheet uploads

No deposit entry

Inbound SMART interface files can be placed on the mainframe for Monday night batch

No nightly batch

SMART unavailable to users

No Saturday batch

SUN 7/30

MON 7/31

TUE 8/1


SMART unavailable to users

No Sunday batch

SMART unavailable to users

Begin daytime batch if all AWS issues are resolved (this will process select agency inbound SMART interface files)

No paycycles

No spreadsheet uploads

No deposit entry

Nightly batch runs normally (all queued inbound Interface files will process)

6am users can login to the system

Normal SMART processing resumes



Other items to note include:

SMART Login Page

The URL for the SMART login page is NOT changing.

Users may receive a ‘404 Page Not Found’ error message during the transition to new servers.

Inbound SMART Interface Files

The location where interface files are placed on the mainframe is NOT changing.

Agencies can continue to place inbound interface files on the mainframe while SMART is down. The files will queue until nightly batch is run again on Monday night, July 31st.

Spreadsheet Uploads

New versions of the INF50 (Voucher Spreadsheet Upload), INF43 (Deposit Spreadsheet Upload) and the GL Journal Spreadsheet Upload will be required after the move to Amazon Web Services. If agencies utilize one of these spreadsheets to load transactions into SMART, please open a Kansas Service Desk ticket requesting the updated template, and the new version will be provided on Monday July 31st. The ticket should include the following:

Category: choose either Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable or General Ledger based on which spreadsheet is being requested

Sub Category: choose ‘INF50 File request’ for AP, ‘INF43 File request’ for AR or ‘Other’ for GL

Title: enter ‘Spreadsheet Template Request’

In order for the spreadsheet uploads to work successfully, they must be stored in a location that is not synced to the user’s OneDrive.

Scheduled Queries

Scheduled query recurrences will be paused from July 28th through July 30th. All recurring queries will resume on Monday July 31st so the SMART Team can monitor to ensure they are running as expected. If users receive email notifications related to recurring queries on Monday, please note this is not an indicator that the system is available.

System Performance

As a part of the transition to AWS, server cache will be cleared. Users should anticipate the system will perform slower than normal while cache is rebuilt.


For any deposits anticipated during the Friday July 28th or Monday July 31st downtime, agencies should enter the deposit in SMART by end of day Thursday July 27th so they are recorded in July.


Wire Payments

Agencies that need wire payments to be issued on either Friday July 28th or Monday July 31st should enter the vouchers in SMART by 12 p.m. Thursday July 27th  and follow the normal procedures for sending the wire request email to both ARPreaudit@ks.gov and treascash@treasurer.ks.gov. Please indicate which day the wire should be sent. Central Audit Services will approve these wires and the State Treasurer’s Office will process them as normal on the requested dates.


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