Kansas Department of Administration

Interfaces - 2023 Archive

New INF02 Inbound Voucher Interface file layout

The SMART Team sent an email to all agencies who submit vouchers to SMART using the INF02, Inbound voucher Interface file.  The email requests that all agencies ensure they are using the new WTHD_CD field on the file layout to more precisely record withholding in SMART on these vouchers by June 30, 2024.  This communication was directed to agency accounts payable representatives and technical contacts who work with the SMART Team on INF02 voucher issues.  ((Cont...))

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Delay in UMB PCard files

There has been another delay in UMB PCard file data.  The last files received were on 03/23/23.  The SMART team is working with UMB to correct this. Another blast will be sent when PCard the delayed transactions are in SMART and available for reconciliation. 

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