Kansas Department of Administration

COVID-19 Transactions – Program and ChartField2

August 18, 2020

Program codes 21662 (COVID-19 Transactions) and 97662 (COVID 19 Off-budget) were added to SMART to capture all transactions related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Agencies shall continue to use the COVID program code as long as COVID expense transactions occur.

Examples of transactions that should use the COVID-19 program code:

    • Deposits for COVID-19 revenue
    • Purchase of laptop computers so staff can work remotely 
    • Meals, lodging and/or miscellaneous expenses for emergency response
    • Military activation
    • Supplies for disinfection (cleaners, anti-bacterial gel, etc.)
    • Medical supplies (gloves, masks, thermometers, test kits, etc.)
    • Salaries and wages for additional personnel or overtime costs due to outbreak response 
    • Overtime costs for staff working to cover tasks when co-workers cannot report due to self-quarantine or no access to daycare for school-age kids
    • Costs due to the cancellation of activities

Examples that should not use the COVID-19 program code:

    • Salaries and wages for staff working remotely or performing normal tasks during the statewide office closure

Questions about whether a COVID program code should be used to record specific expenses or revenues should be directed to the Division of the Budget.

To facilitate federal reporting for CARES Act funds, new ChartField2 values were added to SMART. All transactions using Fund 3753 must include a ChartField2 value. Agencies may choose to use ChartField2 on other COVID expense transactions as well, regardless of the fund being used.

ChartField 2 Description
CRFADMN Administrative Expenses
CRFPERS Budgeted Personnel and Services Diverted to a Substantially Different Use
CRFTSTT COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing
CRFECON Economic Support (other than Small Business, Housing, and Food Assistance)
CRFETAN Expenses Associated with the Issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes
CRFDSLN Facilitating Distance Learning
CRFFOOD Food Programs
CRFHOUS Housing Support
CRFTELE Improve Telework Capabilities of Public Employees
CRFMEDE Medical Expenses
CRFNURS Nursing Home Assistance
CRFPHSE Payroll for Public Health and Safety Employees
CRFPPEQ Personal Protective Equipment
CRFPHEX Public Health Expenses
CRFSBAS Small Business Assistance
CRFUEMB Unemployment Benefits
CRFWCMP Workers' Compensation
CRFOTHR Items Not Listed Above

Questions about which category should be used for a specific expenditure should be directed to Taylor Hawkins, Recovery Office, taylor.hawkins@ks.gov  


20-A-013 New Program Code to Capture COVID-19 Transactions

20-A-015 Clarification and New Off-Budget Program Code to Capture COVID-19 Transactions

21-A-003 Final FY20 Coronavirus Relief Fund Transfers and Journals

Create a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket for any other questions.

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